EuroBSDCon 2024

SIMD-enhanced libc string functions: how it's done
09-22, 18:15–19:00 (Europe/Dublin), Foyer A

Last year, the FreeBSD Foundation sponsored work to reimplement the libc string functions with SIMD techniques for amd64. As a result, performance was improved by a factor of 5 on average. In this talk, we'll have a look into the basics of SIMD programming, techniques used in this project and how the various constraints and challenges posed by string processing were negotiated.

I'm a doctoral student researching the application of SIMD techniques to combinatorial (i.e. non-numerical) algorithms researching at Zuse Institute Berlin.
I was invited to become a ports committer in 2023 and do ports tree quality assurance for armv7 and arm64. Last year, I was hired by the FreeBSD Foundation to improve the libc string functions with SIMD techniques for amd64. The project was completed successfully and will be part of FreeBSD 14.1.